Saturday, April 28, 2007

Out of Shape? Try Karate!

The first time I did karate was at the invitation of my children's Sensei (teacher). I had been watching my kids do it, and thought, "why not?"

She showed me kihon or basics to perform, such as stepping down block. I was so out of shape, and so tense in my movements that I became winded in just a minute of anaerobic moves. I had not realized just how out-of-shape I had become: my kids were able to do it all morning long, and I could only go a minute.

I vowed in that moment to do something about my life. I joined up and began working out 3 times a week. Not only was it hard for me to keep up, I was also tight and could not stretch beyond finding my shins with my hands.

After a few months, my flexibility improved, and my lungs were transformed. It didn't hurt that I learned to relax during the movements, either. I began to look less ridiculous and to feel comfortable.

I found karate to be an excellent activity for getting from completely out of shape into fighting shape. I attribute that to
  • Karate is an activity that allows for a gradual increase in intensity and flexibility; I could do as little or as much as was comfortable without hurting myself or holding others back;
  • I could feel and measure the change;
  • My kids were doing it;
  • I always wanted to be assault proof (more on that in a future blog)
  • The training environment can be a great social support; in my situation, several experienced students and sensei took an interest in me (thank you Sensei John Reed, Sempai Nancy Alexander, and Sempai Janet Wade);
  • and because my life had to change (more on the needed changes in a future blog).
The hardest part is the first step.

PS: If you're interested, find a comfortable feeling dojo in your area. Beware of long-term contracts, and dojos that seem overly formal. Our dojo, Palmer Lake Shotokan Karate has been ideal for me.

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