Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Transition from Hot to Cold to Luke-warm

My dojo where I trained has been closed for a year. As a result of that (and my sloth in finding a new dojo), I have personally verified Funikoshi's saying, "Karate is just like hot water. If you do not give heat constantly, it will again become cold water!"

We live and enjoy (or not) the consequences of our decisions. As a result of ignoring training, I've now gone rusty on some kata, gained 20 pounds, become inflexible, and lost a group of decade-old friends.

We also can choose to live intentionally. As I reflected on that, I determined to find a dojo where I could again train, build my body, my mind, and my friends.

The dojo is 900 miles out of town, but I do travel frequently and will report on my progress.


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